SAS 2006 was an outstanding meeting.  With a record attendance of over 500, some joked that the SAS could be dealt a irreparable blow if disaster were to strike Kyoto.

Despite having data to analyze in order to prepare a talk for the Wednesday session, Lionel insisted on us doing some sightseeing.  We visited the Kiyomizu Temple on a hill at the Eastern end of town overlooking the Kyoto valley, with its many shrines and interesting cemetary.  We also explored the streets as we wandered back to the hotel.  On Sunday morning we took the bus to visit the Kinhakuji temple with its spectacular golden pavillion.  On the way back we stopped by the Imperial palace of this old capitol of Japan, but found it closed.  Good enough given I had a lot of work to do.

The banquet was a well organized affair with Geisha dancers and a troop of tradional drummer/dancers (link to come soon).  Of course, Several people insisted on getting "compromising" shots of me looking like I'm having fun.  I missed the annual festival but did check out the floats the previous night.  These pictures were taken while I was on a plane bound for home however.

For a city with lots of public transport, walking and bicycle by the boatload and famous for the environmental accord signed there, it is odly lacking in some environmental awareness.  In early July the temperature was warm but the humidity was horrid making walking for very long a rather wet affair.  Shops tended to have the A/C set at a medium temperature, but then left their front doors open, blasting the cool air onto the street.  Passers by often deviating towards the doors to cool off as they walk down the street, and, if the store is really lucky, they may step in for a few moments.

All for now ... maybe more to come....